Saturday, December 12, 2009

~Just a Little Christmas Note~

The countdown is on......Christmas will be here before you know it. Yesterday, my DH took a vacation day from work and we spent the day together Christmas shopping. The mall was filled with beautiful decorations, music, the train and of couse, Santa! The endless parade of strollers and crying children brought back quite a few memories, but we battled on making what I hoped were our final purchases. My goal was to have all the shopping done, the packages wrapped and under the tree by the end of the weekend. Needless to say, about half way thru the day, (I still had more in me) my DH said "are you ready to go?" I said, "well, I guess so". I knew he had to ref basketball later in the evening, so I thought maybe he wanted to get a rest in. So, we left only to hit bumper-to-bumper traffic. Finally we arrived home and he asked what I was going to do and I told him that I was going to sit down and make some Christmas cards and then I asked "why"? "Oh, I'm just going to go out for a little bit and pick up a couple of things." Now, I thought this a little strange because we were just at the mall. He was only going up town to do some local shopping, but still, I thought this strange. So, after he returned with several purchases in hand, I think I finally figured it out. My "type" of shopping slows him down. He knew exactly what he wanted to get certain people and that was all he was there for. I on the other hand, like to search for the perfect gift and sometimes that takes a long time. Men do shop differently than woman!! ;)

Well, this is one of the cards that I made while the DH was out on his shopping spree. Filled with goodies - this card turned out just like I had hoped. I hope you all have finished your shopping - Christmas is coming! Have a wonderful day - Cathy xx :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wishing You and Yours.......

Yesterday, as I was driving thru town, I became inspired by all the holiday decorations. We have these beautiful old style lamp posts thru out our downtown area that have been all dressed up with greenery and lights and it looks so festive. I had these lamp post rubberstamps, but never thought to dress them up for the holiday. So, out came the Martha Stewart pine bough punch, and I put together a mini Christmas wreath. Of course, I had to add some crocheted trim and a beaded flourish. Tied off in a soft aqua satin ribbon and a rubberstamped sentiment from Papertrey Ink and it's good to go. I did post this card in my Etsy shop and it disappeared immediately! I had hoped it would be around for awhile - this is my favorite holiday card thus far.

Today, I hope to have some time in between loads of laundry (how glamorous) to create. I wish, I had more time, but unfortunately someone has to do the dirty work and it seems around here, I've been voted in! :) Enjoy your Sunday - it's rainy and gloomy here again today. Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweetest Holiday Wishes

Thanksgiving dinner was a success. The china and crystal has been put away temporarily and the dining room table is back in business!! I hate putting up all my materials for the holiday, but what can I say......when there is a crowd - we have to be able to sit down at the dining room table.

This little card was created, knowing that the next item on my list is holiday baking. I don't know about you.....but once Thanksgiving is over, it's like someone puts the calendar on fast forward. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done.

This card was created using some patterned papers that I had left, I believe from last year. KI Memories, ricrac, ribbon, button, hemp and a mini cookie cutter. The rubberstamped image and sentiment are from Papertrey Ink. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to create a card or two! Cathy xx :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Just a short post tonight.....I had an itch to make a card tonight. So, after dinner dishes, I sat down and created this. I just love all the detail in this card. It's amazing what I can find when I start looking thru all my bins of rubberstamps. I thought the clock image was perfect to represent midnight and the new year! :)

Have you had a chance to use any of the Tattered Angels products? This chipboard frame and the Glimmer Mist are both Tattered Angels products. I use them all the time and I just love them! I added the glitter to the frame and once dried, I applied the Glimmer Mist. The rubberstamp sentiment is from Papertrey Ink.

Well, enough for to make lunches for tomorrow. I hope you had a wonderful day! Cathy :) XX

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tis the Season

Tis the Season.........everywhere I go, there are signs of the upcoming holiday season. Every year retail starts decorating and preparing for the holiday earlier and earlier. Christmas music has already started on the radio and commercials on the TV - why is everyone in such a rush to begin the holiday season? It used to be that the stores and the radio would begin the day after Thanksgiving - now it's the day after Halloween! People wonder why we are so stressed out! :)

Christmas should be something that is a slow buildup. A day to look forward to, a day to celebrate. I think people as a whole have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Maybe with the economy being what it is - we won't have the money to spoil our children with and focus on what Christmas is truly about. That's not to say that there won't be any gifts under the tree for my kids, but they certainly aren't going to have the Christmas that they have in the past. They understand that because they are older. They also understand that, we are fortunate to have our jobs, a roof over our heads, and food on the table. We are one of the lucky ones. I am also going to look into doing something for someone who is less fortunate. A family of little ones that will be looking forward to Santa coming to their house. It's just sad that our country has come to the screeching halt that it has - and times of feeling secure are long gone. What has happened? and why?

I'm not going to focus on that now - because all we can do is pray. I am going to focus on pumping out more Christmas cards because my Etsy shop is selling out quickly. Here is a fun card that I created - don't you just love the colors? Certainly not colors I would have thought to choose for Christmas. I tried to dress it up with some details and I think I achieved the look that I was going for. Hope you like it! Enjoy your week, Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cold nose ~ warm heart

Cold nose ~ warm heart.........when I saw this rubberstamp, it reminded me of days when my kids were little and I would layer them all up in their winter snowsuits, hats, scarves, mittens and boots. By the time I had them all dressed, they were usually crying and couldn't move. Much like the movie "A Christmas Story". I always laugh when that part comes on! It usually took longer to get them dressed then the time we spent outside! Once outside, we would attempt a snowman and make snowangels. Those days were so much fun - short lived because now, I couldn't get my son or daughter to clean the snow off my car! :)

This card was made using Cosmo Cricket papers, misc. buttons, ribbon, and a fun old rubberstamp that I pulled out of my Christmas box. I love the Cosmo Cricket holiday line - so whimsical and the colors and wonderful! Have a great weekend - Cathy xx :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Warm winter Wishes

Warm winter wishes to you! I can hardly believe that next week is Thanksgiving - a day filled with family, fun and good food. This year will certainly be a year to give thanks - a healthy son, a new baby grandson on the way, a daughter in graduate school, my marriage to the love of my life and all of us healthy and happy. I thank the Lord that we all have our jobs and pray for those who are struggling to make ends meet.

Thanksgiving dinner will be at our house this year. I love making Thanksgiving dinner - the wonderful aroma of the bird cooking, sweet potato's, brocolli/rice/cheddar dish, mashed potato's, dressing and all the other wonderful foods that I will be preparing!! This year I will be making a cranberry orange bread - oooh I cannot wait!

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families - may God bless you and keep you all safe and happy. Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Season's Greetings

What a beautiful day it was here today. The sun finally decided to come out from behind the clouds and SHINE! My darling hubby finished raking up all of the leaves, winterize the pool and put away the deck furniture. I think we are all winterized! :)

In between loads of laundry........I managed to sneek this card in today. I had so much fun creating this card because once again, I was able to use one of my vintage finds from our honeymoon. This vintage image of a sleigh came from an old Sear's catalogue. With 1000's of pages - you can bet you will see many more images!

I hope you all enjoyed your day and that you were able to sneek in a card or two. Popcorn and a movie with my hubby tonight - have a great evening! Cathy xx :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

~Tis the Season~

Today, I spent the day re-organizing all my Halloween goodies and putting them back into storage for next year. Too many buttons, ribbons, paper punches and paper. Good-bye Halloween - hello Thanksgiving and Christmas!

I noticed a trend in Christmas papers this year.........more vintage blue! Perfect for Christmas and for the many winter months we will experience in Chicago.

I also managed to make a quick stop to Michaels today and boy did Martha Stewart put together quite a Christmas line of scrapbooking goodies. Be sure to check it out! :)

Well, off to make another card. I hope you all are getting ready for the holidays as well! Have a great weekend - Cathy xx :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Vintage Findings

We arrived back from our honeymoon a couple of days ago and I am happy to be back to our home, but yet sad that it all went so quickly. The ceremony was lovely and turned out just as we had planned. All the planning and poof - it's all over in a blink. We all enjoyed ourselves - it was the most perfect evening with all our family and friends that mean so much to us.

One of the many fun things we did on our honeymoon was explore all these quaint little towns and the treasures they held in their antique shops. I found so many goodies that you will see over time in each of the cards that I make. I found, papers, cards, tickets, ribbons, buttons, lace, milk caps and many other treasures. My husband was so patient and even up to the day we drove home - which should have only taken 5 hours the most - ended up to be a 9 hour drive! Oh, I just love him so! :)

The card featured above has two of my vintage findings - the ribbon and the train ticket stub behind the leaves. It's good to be back - have a great weekend! Cathy xx :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Madison - 2S4U - Laura's Sketch 36

It's hard to this time next week, I will be married to the love of my life. Although, we have been together for over 12 years, our love for one another grows stronger each day. I can say without a doubt that he is my best friend and life without him would never be the same. I promise to post pictures of our special day when we return from our "honeymoon".

This card is so soft and beautiful, I'm secretly hoping that no one purchases it! It was made with several patterns of coordinating paper, Martha Stewart border punch, vintage inspired image, paper flower by Prima, rhinestone flourish, a satin leaf that I used Tattered Angels spray, ink, and ribbon. I hope you like it! :)

I think this will be my last post for a couple of weeks or until we return sure to check back for our wedding day photo's. Have a wonderful weekend, Cathy xx :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

World Card Making Day

Today is World Card Making Day - and to start my day I decided to organize my scrap room once again. It's amazing to see just how much I have that I haven't used! I have enough paper, punches, ribbon, buttons, misc. embellishments to open my own scrap store! It is addictive....isn't it?

I decided to enter this card for a challenge at SplitCoastStampers. It was one of many cards that I have created using products from Crafty Secrets. I just love vintage and this certainly has a vintage-feel to it. The vintage-inspired image is from Crafty Secrets, papers from Melissa Frances along with other misc. paper, decorative paper punch and glitter - Martha Stewart, paper flowers from Prima, pearl adhesives and button, chipboard embellishment and Glimmer Mist - Tattered Angels, sentiment Cosmo Cricket along with pretty pink twill.

I hope all you cardmakers had a wonderful day doing what we all like to - create! Thanks for looking and have a great weekend - Cathy xx :)

Monday, September 28, 2009


My days have been filled with working and finalizing the details to our wedding. This is a time that I am cherishing. All the little details that tie things together making this day very special for the two of us. Needless to say, there hasn't been much time for card making. I managed to sneek one in tonight - I hope you like it.

Several patterns of coordinating paper have been machine stitched and inked. A scalloped paperpunch border, felt, vintage-inspired image, diecut butterfly, pearl adhesives, ribbon, paper flowers and a resin corner embellishment. I love the colors - so soft and romantic.

Well just over two weeks before the big day - I have been waiting for this day. I will be sure to post pictures. If I can sneek in one more card and one more post - I will! Have a great day! Cathy xx (hugs)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Black Cat Band

I feel as if I have neglected all of you! I am so sorry and thanks for all your sweet messages!! I have been so busy preparing for my wedding which is now 5 weeks away! So many details to take care of. The alterations, picking music for the harpist, the photographer, the cake, my daughter's (maid of honor) dress, shoes, jewelry, etc.

This weekend was the first weekend that I have had to sit down and design some Halloween cards. This card was so much fun to design. I'm really into these neat canvas images from Crafty Secrets. I also have been experimenting with my new products from Tattered Angels. Glimmer mist is so easy to work with and it really helps dress-up your card or layouts. Give it a try!

Well, signing off for now - I'd like to get one more card made today so that maybe I have something to post tomorrow. Take care - Cathy xx hugs to you all!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey there, Chickadee

hey there, chickadee! Isn't this little birdie sweet? This rubberstamped outline and sentiment is from Papertrey Ink. I am slowly making my way thru this set and using all the images. I wish I had more time because I just love it!

Today, my DF and I have an appointment at the florist to pick out the flowers for our wedding. Since it is a Fall wedding, the colors will be magnificent. My daughter is wearing a salmon colored dress and the guys are wearing black tuxes. The colors will certainly pop! We also are going to pick up his wedding ring! I'm so excited - I'm ready to pop!! :)

Later this evening, we are going to my sister's home to celebrate my brother and SIL's 25th wedding anniversary. It is a surprise and the entire family will be there to celebrate. As I have said in the past....when we all get together it is always a good time. I'm sure it will be a late one!
Well, off to get ready - have a wonderful weekend! Cathy xxx :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Every day is a gift

Every day is a gift.........when you have your health, your family and your friends. Life is a gift to be treasured. I recently found out that I am going to be a "Grandma". Although, my young son and his girlfriend could have made another choice - they chose to have their baby. I know that things are not going to be easy for them, but with some of the things that my son has had to go thru in the past - this will be much easier. I am happy for them! His girlfriend is not only beautiful but soft-spoken and loving. She will make a wonderful mother as my son will be a wonderful father - he is loving and hardworking and knows what he has to do and is already planning for his new family. I can't wait for January - to hold my little Grandchild for the first time!
This card was made with Basic Grey paper and embellishment and the rubberstamped sentiment is Papertrey Ink. A perfect card for a hot summery day like it is here today. Have a wonderful Sunday - Cathy xx :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

You're so Sweet

The wedding plans are full speed ahead! Today, my DF and I went to a cake tasting and chose our wedding cake. White chocolate and raspberry - ooooh yummy! Yesterday, my wonderful friend Katelyn met me at the bridal shop and saw me in my dress - she gave me the thumbs up and the dress was purchased. Very little alterations are going to be needed which is great. So to date we have, the chapel, restaurant, invitations, cake, dress, harpist and other small misc. We have a meeting in a couple of weeks with the florist and now I'm in search for a photographer that isn't going to cost us an arm and a leg!

This card was made with Katelyn in mind - she was so sweet to meet me yesterday and give me her opinion on my dress. She is such a great friend! Papers are by Basic Grey, ribbon - Offray, scalloped chipboard by Pebbles & Co., rubberstamped sentiment and image by Papertrey Ink.

Have a wonderful week - Cathy xx :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Embrace Happiness

Happy Sunday! What a beautiful day it is here today! We're all getting ready for a short road trip today to my sister's home in Wisconsin. Today is my nephew's birthday and the entire family will be there to celebrate. I know that I have said in past entries how much I love being with my family - they are so much fun to be with. When we are all together it is non-stop kidding around and laughing. So today, I will definetly "embrace happiness".

This card was made with papers from Jenni Bowlin, a resin embellishment from Mellisa Frances that I inked and added a little glitter from Martha Stewart, rubberstamped sentiment and ribbon from Papertrey Ink, misc. buttons, crocheted trim and a vintage inspired image.

Time to run - leaving in a short time. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

All Things Grow with Love

All things do grow with love - this I know. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't let my kids and my DF know how much I love them, appreciate them and value them. Telling someone you love them is easy, but showing them everyday is more important. My DF smiles when he finds a little note in is drawer that reads "folded with love - xoxo", or his favorite meal prepared for him, or a softball game that I attend when he is playing. I know that when times are rough and others might think of leaving - I can forgive because of the deep love that I have for him. I have never felt so loved, protected and appreciated in my entire life because of him. He is my love, soulmate and best friend. Can you tell the wedding is getting closer? :)

As for my kid's......they know without a doubt how much I love them! I still smile to myself when I think of the times I would drive my son to HS and he would say "wait a minute mom" and walk around to my side of the car to lean in and give me a kiss and a "love you, mom". He will be 20 soon and still gives me a kiss goodnight. I know that my daughter (22) who is quiet and more reserved than her brother - decides to pour her heart out about my mother who passed away 6 years ago is reaching out to me because she loves me and wishes for me to console her. Kid's have a funny way of doing things that will burn every fiber on your body and know that no matter what you will always love them.

I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people around me - who love me for me and have always been there for me in good times and bad. It's their love that has made me the woman that I am today. Strong, confident, honest, and loving! Have a wonderful weekend! Cathy xx:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy sunny Sunday! After my posting yesterday, it managed to clear up and it turned out to be a beautiful day so my DF and I went for a bike ride.
We haven't been able to do as much bike riding this summer as we did last due to the weather so the legs were definitely feeling it. We rode over to the park which isn't far from our house and it was filled with people. Girls fastpitch softball tournament, mens soccer, kids in the park, basketball, people riding/jogging/walking the path - it's amazing what affect the weather has on people!
So with all of that said, this card was inspired with my day in the park in mind. I used papers from Moxxie (Life's a Garden) and Scenic Route. Endless possibilities with this paper - you will probably see some more cards using it. I also handstitched the felt butterfly and added a button and rubberstamp sentiment by Papertrey Ink. As for the ribbon, I gathered and machine stitched it. So bright and summery! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Cathy :) xx

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sweet Bliss

The weekend has finally arrived and once again dark, gloomy and RAINY! I remember summer days as a child......they were always hot, steamy and loads of fun. Dripping ice cream cones, swimming at the pool, sleep overs in the tent, bike rides, days at the beach, and the sound of crickets at night. This summer has been one of the coolest and rainy summers on record. Oh, how I miss those days!

This card was inspired by those sweet summer memories of days gone by. I used papers from K&Co., tag from Tim Holtz, rubberstamped image from Papertrey Ink, vintage-inspired image, decorative button, ribbon and rhinestones.

I hope all of your summer days have been fun and filled with memories. Have a great weekend! Cathy xx :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This holiday weekend gave my DF and myself the opportunity to do some gardening.....better known as weed pulling! ;) Although, I do have a beautiful garden filled with perennials, we sure get our fair share of weeds! All is clear for now - but I know come again in a couple of weeks they'll be back for another game of "tug-of-war".

As a designer, I think one of the toughest things to do is find your niche and stick with it. Thru out the course of my life......I have always been drawn to vintage items. I have an entire cabinet that I put together with vintage Madame Alexander Dolls from my childhood (yes, they would be considered vintage!), tea cups, silver egg holders, toast holders, salt/pepper shakers, my Grandmothers iced tea set, and other misc. When I first started out making cards, they were vintage inspired. Vintage items are soft and can be romantic - they tell a story from days gone by. They are rich in history - they are a part of someone's past. I have dipped into other area's and liked it - but something keeps drawing me back to more vintage-inspired. So for now, you maybe seeing more of that and less of the other. With that being said, I give you the above. I love the chipboard keyhole from Tattered Angels. I inked the edges and added Martha Stewart glitter. I thought of the Secret Garden when I did this. Soft, inked and vintage inspired. :)

Hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday weekend - have a great week! Cathy :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Christmas in July at Lollishops

Hey did you hear the news........Lollishops "the frou frou friendly marketplace" is showcasing a Christmas in July to be held on the 25th. For those of you who have not yet visited Lollishops - please do. This marketplace is made up of some of the most delightful ooh's and ahh's I have ever seen. I'm still making my way thru the various vendors. If you like pink, vintage, cottage-style, shabby-chic and not to mention frou-frou - Lollishops has it all! Very unique and the most caloric intake of eye candy you will ever get!

I just listed quite a few Christmas items today at my Lollishop - PapierGirl. I just love creating from this point on in the year. I focus mainly on the holidays....Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I usually turn on the Christmas music right after Halloween and away I go. I think it's a little too soon to turn it on now so a little songs from the 70's and away I go! ;)

Hope you all enjoy your 4th today - fun filled, family, friends, and some good b-que! Have a safe day! Cathy xx :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our little Star

Happy Sunday! It was so hot and humid today that I finally broke down and turned on the airconditioning. I'm one of those who loves to open up the windows and let the fresh air in, but enough is enough. When you are so uncomfortable just sitting - it's time! :)

This is a special card that I made one of my very best customers at Etsy. She asked if I could design a special card for her daughter-in-law. After years of being told that she couldn't have a child - the Lord blessed her and she's having a baby boy. I love making baby cards - you know with each button, bow or pearl that goes into it makes it a beautiful keepsake to look back on.

Well, tonight we are barbequing ribs! My honey has the grill going and each time he opens the deck door the smells finds its way in. My stomach is growling. I hope you all have a wonderful evening - Cathy xx :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

2s4u - Laura's Sketch #28

The weekend has finally arrived and much to everyone's rain! :) Today, for the first time finally felt like summer to me. It was in the upper 80's, deep blue skies and not a cloud in sight! All the kid's in the neighborhood are out skateboarding, playing on their swingsets, and riding bikes. It's so nice to hear them having so much fun.

I designed this card based off of Laura's sketch #28 at 2s4u. I used papers from Melissa Frances and K&Co. The chipboard frame is from Tattered Angels, vintage-inspired sticker from Crafty Secrets, ribbon from Offray, and rubberstamp image of flowers and sentiment along with ink from Papertrey Ink. Lot's of other little misc. added too! :)

Well off to grill some mango chicken sausage from Trader Joe's. If you haven't tried these yet - you don't know what you're missing! Not to mention their much healthier than a Brat. Although, I do like an occasional Brat too! Have a great weekend! Cathy :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

2s4u - Kazan's Sketch #28

Sliding in my the seat of my pants! Things were so hectic this weekend, I thought I would give this challenge a pass, but I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, so I said what the heck. I finished with dinner dishes and slid into my chair and voila'! :)

This card is for 2s4u - Kazan's sketch #28. I had alot of fun with this one. It wasn't until the very end that I decided to make the lower half of this sketch a musical note with a the glue is literally still drying! :)

Well, this is just a quick post and run - got a deadline to meet! Have a wonderful Sunday! Cathy xx :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy happy Day!

Friday's are always a happy day for me. I have off on Fridays, so it gives me a chance to catch up on all the things that I haven't done during the week. Today, I attempted to clean and organize my son's room that I have been using as my craft room this past year that he has been gone. Now the question is "where do I put all my craft stuff?" I have so much stuff, that I really need another room, but no rooms opening up soon around here! Oh well. :)

This card was created using K&Co. papers, tag and decorative brad. Isn't that little lady bug brad adorable? I love these soft blues and yellow with just a touch of salmon red.

Tonight, we are headed over to my sister's for my nephews 21st birthday and my brother-in-law's celebration party. We are all celebrating his cancer scare a few months ago. Thank God they caught it early and he didn't have to go thru radiation or chemo. The angels above were looking out for him! :) That's truly worth a celebration - life is such a gift!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Cathy :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Happy Sunday! The weather here today is grey and overcast once again. Just a sprinkle this morning and seems to be holding off this afternoon. Although, it is somewhat humid. Great for the gardens - not so good for family barbeques! :(

I have had a chance to create a few cards today in-between loads of laundry. This card was created using K&Co. paper and tag. The diecut circles were made using my Quickutz, ribbon from Offray, button, rhinestones, and hemp were added. The colors were darker than what I am used to using this time of year, but I needed a change.

Well, off to fold another load of bath towels. Since the kids came home, I have doubled up on laundry and the grocery bill! I hope they know they will be doing the same for me one day! ;) Have a wonderful day! Cathy

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Annual - 2s4u - Ultimate Card Show Down

What's the Scoop? Well, let me tell ya........2 Sketches 4 You is celebrating their 1st Anniversary with an Ultimate Card Show Down!! So get your "rootin'-tootin' behinds over there, check out their blog, the sketch, the sponsors, (oh glory be.....wait til' you see) and get to work girls!

They are an amazing team of talent and the DT is awesome! I just happened to stumble upon them one day while surfing the net and was so impressed with their blog and the talent each week. I just know you will be too!

This card was inspired based off of Laura's sketch this week. The cardstock used was Bazzill, papers by Doodlebug and Little Yellow Bicycle. I used corrugated paper for the cone itself and when it was put thru my Quickutz machine it amazingly came thru looking like an actual cone! Rubberstamped sentiment from Pansy Lane and chocolate ink from Papertrey Ink.

The best of luck to everyone - and have a wonderful weekend! Cathy :)xx

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dad- Happy Father's Day

I know...I know, it's been a long time since I have posted in my blog. I feel sooo guilty, but it has been so hectic here at home and at work. I apologize and I hope that having this Friday off, I can finally get around to creating! My Etsy shop is almost empty! That's great - I know, but that also means I have alot of work cut out for me!

This card was created for week 3 over at C.R.A.F.T. Challenge. We were to create a card using the colors brown and blue and it had to be for Father's Day. I used papers from My Mind's Eye - Wild Asparagus line. All images and sentiments are from Papertrey Ink.
I love how I incorporated the little flag at the top and rubberstamped "d-a-d". I just love this color combination too! :)

Well, that's all for tonight - hope you all are doing well and creating lot's of goodies! Check back this weekend - I hope to have added lot's and lot's of cards! Good night! Cathy xx:)

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Nest - C.R.A.F.T. Challenge

Happy Monday! How often do you hear me say that? Any Monday is a happy Monday that I have off from work. Hope you all enjoyed your day.

This card was my DT entry this week at C.R.A.F.T. Challenge. Our challenge this week was to make something "new" i.e. new baby, new house, new marriage, etc. So I decided to make "A New Nest". If you haven't had a chance to make it over to their "new" blog, please do so. We would love to see your work and your interpretation each week of our challenge!

This weeks challenge was to make something with moveable parts. I don't know why, but this was a challenge for me. I will post my card later in the week. Well, off to grill some turkey burgers for dinner. Have a great evening! Cathy xx :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fun in the Sun - Polka Doodle Sketch

Happy Sunday - and what a glorious day it is today!! It is sunny, warm and blue skies - something we have all been waiting for.

I just had to stick with the theme of Summer today when creating this card based off a sketch from Polka Doodle. If you haven't been over to check out there sight - please won't be disappointed. Bright, cheerful and full of fun - who doesn't like a challenge!

Papers used are from Imaginisce - Summer Cool line. Don't you just love these colors? They remind me of sherbert! Rubberstamped image of flip-flops and sentiment, ink from Papertrey Ink, brad, buttons and rhinestones. This card sings "take me to the beach"! :)

I hope you all enjoy your day and make sure you take a peek at Polka Doodle! Cathy :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

2009/Congratulations - 2s4u - Laura #26

I can't believe a whole week has went by and I haven't posted on my blog! This week has been incredibly busy!!

I designed this card based off of Laura's sketch at 2S4U. The papers used were mostly from PinkPaislee, rubberstamped sentiment by Papertrey Ink and diecuts by Quikutz.

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday weekend, filled with family and friends and good weather perfect for a cook-out! Cathy xx :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where has the time gone? - 2s4u #26

"Where has the time gone?" is exactly what I have been asking myself this week. Not feeling well this week, getting my daughter re-situated at home and work certainly has me behind in my creating! There never seems to be enough time!:)

This card was created based off of Kazan's sketch #26 at 2s4u. This vintage-like/shabby chic kind-of card was created using papers from K&Company - cut-N-paste line (oooh I just love these papers), rubberstamped sentiment and clock image from Kelly Panacci, Tim Holtz metals, misc. ribbon, buttons and pearl adhesives. A perfect card for a birthday, anniversary or a friend that you haven't seen for a while.

Well, my DF is asking what's for dinner - and once again I ask myself "Where has the time gone?" and what am I going to make for dinner tonight? Have a wonderful evening - Cathy :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Teacher - CP #14

Happy Friday everyone! So glad the weekend has finally arrived! Time to create! :)

This card is a card that I designed based off of a sketch at CardPatterns this week. I decided to do a teacher themed card since school will be out for summer in a few weeks.

Lots of different papers used here - clearing up some scraps! I have Making Memories, Bo Bunny, and there is one unknown. I inked and machine stitched the papers. Each apple has been done in layers. I used my Martha Stewart apple punch first with chipboard, then each layer of Bazzill. I also inked the edges of the apple. I scalloped the bottom edge of the Bo Bunny paper, ran some ribbon across, tied a bow, added a button with hemp and finally handstamped my sentiment (Papertrey of course!) Teacher - we appreciate you, and voila'!

Well, just a quick posting - I do hope to complete a few more cards today! Hope you all are well and creating too! Happy Day! Cathy :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A little birdie told me.......

What is it about birds that brings a smile to almost everyone? The sound of the birds in the morning this time of year makes me happy because Spring has finally arrived and the warm temperature is right around the corner! I can't wait for it to finally warm up! :)

Last year, I had a wreath on my front porch that two different birds were sharing a nest. I had 7 eggs total; 3 eggs from one bird and 4 from another. Then, above my front porch light, a Robin built another nest and for some reason abandoned it, and another Robin came along and laid her eggs in it along with the other Robin's eggs. I had loads of baby birds, and ton's of bird poop on my porch! It was a mess! Needless to say, I didn't put my wreath out yet! ;)

I haven't had any time to create anything this week. Busy at work and still not feeling the greatest! I hope you all have avoided the "bug" that has been going around! Have a great evening, Cathy :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bee Happy - CPS 115

Here it is Monday again....the start of another work week, but today was really busy and went by quickly. I hope the rest of my work week goes that quick!

Here's a card I made using another of my new rubberstamps from Papertrey Ink! I bought several sets, and it is my goal to use everyone of these before the year ends! Do you do that too? Buy lot's of goodies only to let them sit there? I have enough stuff, I could probably open up my own scrapbook store! :)

Several patterns of paper machine stitched, die cut circles from Quickutz, paper punch flowers from Marvey, misc. brads, buttons, ribbon. When I look at all the color in this card, it makes me happy! :)

Hope you all had a wonderful day! Cathy :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Events

This weekend has been the most rewarding weekend as a mother! A very exhausting one - but one that I will cherish forever. This picture is a picture of my son Corey who is 19 years old and his girlfriend Kelsey who is graduating HS this month. Don't they look stunning! The weekend for them was full of festivities. Friday night was the dinner and dance until midnight. My son said he was "a dancin' man"! He danced all night long. They then boarded a bus that took them Downtown Chicago to the Lakefront where they boarded a huge yacht and continued with dancing and eating until 4:00 a.m. The bus brought them all back home safely. They all spent the night at friends where they left the next morning and headed back Downtown to a friends familys condo. They all spend the rest of the weekend in the City and had a great time! Everyone is now home - safe.

Today, we were back in the city for Courtney's graduation from University of Illinois/Chicago. I am so very proud of her! She graduated Cum Laude, is a Honor College Graduate and a Liberal Arts and Science Graduate from the College of Chemistry. This is one young lady that had a vision of her future at a very early age (2nd grade) and has followed her dream thru. In the Fall she will continue her education and attend UIC for her Masters Degree in Forensics. The picture is of me on the left, Courtney and my DF.

As you can see, this Mother's Day weekend has been wonderful! My dream as a little girl was to one day grow up to be a mom. My dream has come true and although there were times that were unbelievably tough.......I never have regretted one moment on this earth as the mother of Courtney and Corey. Somehow all the good out weighs the bad. My advice to my young friends who are having their first babies has been - "look at everything as being a phase - it will pass".
There is no greater love than the love a mother has for her children! Happy Mother's Day to all Mother's! Cathy :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


This weekend has started off as a busy one! Yesterday, my daughter had her last final and it was time to move her home. I met her downtown and we made numerous trips up and down the elevator with the rest of her "stuff" and loaded up the car for home. We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the way home and I was in a panic. We had to get home by 5:00 for prom pictures with Corey and his girlfriend. We ended up meeting them at his girlfriends house with the rest of their group at 5:15. They looked absolutely stunning! I will post pictures later! His girlfriend Kelsey is such a beauty - the prettiest girl there! Wait till you see! :)

My DF is a ref today for a LaCrosse game and when he returns we're back downtown with Courtney to pick up her matress, desk and bike. All the big things were left for him and the truck.

A little later this afternoon, my Dad will be arriving in town. We have dinner plans with the entire family. When we all get together, we have such a good time. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, I'm off to take a shower and hopefully get in sometime to create atleast one card this weekend! Have a great day! Cathy xx hugs!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dad - Happy Father's Day

I think masculine cards are the toughest to make. Don't you? The paper can't be too frou-frou, no flowers, bows or pink! Those are all of my favorite things to work with!

This card was created using papers from Kaisercraft and Making Memories. The rubberstamped branch and cloud image I didn't save the packaging so I am not sure, but the sentiment stamps are from Papertrey Ink.

My Dad is coming into town this weekend for Courtney's college graduation ceremony. We always look forward to seeing him because he is such a hoot! My Mother passed away several years ago, and Courtney being the first grandchild to graduate from college is such a special occasion, I knew he wouldn't miss it for the world! I know his being there will give peace to us all knowing that he is there also representing my Mother.

This proud mother plans on taking lot's of pictures this weekend of my son Corey's prom tomorrow and Courtney's graduation on Sunday. So be sure to check back!

Have a wonderful evening - Cathy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friendship is the Sweetest Flower - 2s4u - Laura 25

Good morning everyone - still not feeling well today! My daughter's Honor Ceremony is this evening and just praying that things turn around for me quickly!

This card was made for 2S4U based off of Laura's sketch #25. Bit's and pieces from Little Yellow Bicycle and not sure where the sunshine paper came from. Great way to use up those ribbon scraps! The rubberstamped stems/leaves and sentiment are from Papertrey Ink.

I hope this post finds you all healthy - so many people I know have come down with this darn flu! Hope you all have a day filled with sunshine!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dad - CPS 114

This post will be short and sweet - not feeling well and home sick from work. Tea with honey/lemon and time to push the Theraflu!

This card was created for CPS 114. I used papers from Pebbles Inc., Kaisercraft and Little Yellow Bicycle. Rubberstamp image from Hero Arts and diecut images from Quickutz. Ribbon and hemp were also added. Be sure to check out the little heart on the tree! A perfect card for Dad for Father's Day or just anyday!

My Dad is coming into town for Courtney's graduation this weekend. I am going to get plenty of rest today and hope for a speedy recovery so that I can enjoy all the festivities!

I hope that all of you are healthy and have been able to avoid this "bug" that is going around - have a wonderful day - Cathy :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sip & Relax

My son is on the mend, but as I predicted in an earlier I think I'm coming down with whatever virus he had. It could not happen at a worse time! Graduation cermonies on Wednesday and Sunday of this week and prom on Friday! I'm thinking positive and it will be an early night for me.

I made this card over the weekend using paper and embellishments
from We R Memory Keepers. The little teapot image and sentiment
is from Papertrey Ink. Ribbon, crocheted trim button and flower have been added.

I think I will take the advice from my card - go make myself a cup of hot tea.....sip and relax! Have a wonderful evening - Cathy :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Right Shoes!

My DF was at the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Although, I missed him terribly, I was able to create quite a few cards. :) I was also able to make a stop at my favorite scrapbook store - and boy did I pick up some papier goodies!

This card was created with Autumn Leaves new line "Wellies and Brellies! I just love the bright colors and the little "Wellies"! I was also able to use one of my new rubberstamps from Papertrey Ink.
Of course, I had to add some paperpunch flowers from Marvey, diecut circle from Quickutz and misc. buttons and ribbons.

I decided to make one like this for my sister's birthday this week -she's a shoe-aholic! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend - Cathy :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Love Blooms - CPS 113

This weeks sketch at CPS was a fun sketch to work with and did you see the DT's cards - one word........WOW!

This is the card that I put together based off of their sketch. The paper I used is from EK Success (Wedding Collection) as is the chipboard embellishment and ribbon. The diecut flowers are from Quickutz, along with crocheted trim and pearl adhesives. The rubberstamped image is from Papertrey Ink. A great card for a wedding, an anniversary or even an "I Love You" card! :)

Lot's to do today! Off to the grocery store and a few other errands around town. I might even have time to stop by my favorite scrap store! I heard lots of new goodies have arrived - not that a need a thing! ;) Enjoy your Saturday - Cathy :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Card Patterns - Sketch #12

Just a quick posting before I head off to bed. This card was a card I put together for Card Patterns - Sketch #12. A fun sketch to work with - many possibilities! :)

Several patterns of coordinating paper machine stitched along with paper punch flowers, large brads, ribbon, button, hemp and a rubberstamped sentiment from Papertrey Ink.

Have a wonderful evening - long day today! Cathy :)

2s4u - Kazan's Sketch 25

Another fun sketch from 2s4u this week! It only seemed appropriate that I make a graduation card since my daughter has her Honor's College ceremony on Wednesday and her graduation ceremony from UIC on Sunday of next week!

Next week will be a super busy week - My Dad and his wife will be coming into town, my son will be escorting his girlfriend to prom, two graduation ceremonies, and Courtney will be moving her final belongings back home. I have alot of cleaning, grocery shopping and just finalizing alot of details! I'm already exhausted thinking about it! :)

Well, I hope that all of you are healthy and have a wonderful weekend! Cathy:)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nuts for You!

Today was an interesting day! I mean that in a sarcastic way. My son called and told me that he was feeling like he was going to die. He had a fever, chills, body ache, chest congestion and just weak. Well, being the mother that I am.......I said let's get you into the doctor. With all the talk of Swine Flu - one cannot take a chance. Fortunately, the doctor was able to see him this afternoon. When we got to the doctors office, there was a huge sign that said "If you have the flu or flu-like symptoms, please put on a mask". Scarey? That's only the half of it. When I turned to look at the people in the waiting room - everyone had a mask on! Wow! I could not believe the number of people who are sick with the flu.

When my son was finally seen by the doctor, he was tested for the flu. They took a swab of the inside of his nose and had the results in 10 minutes. Fortunately, he did not test positive for the flu. Because if he did, he then would have been tested further for Swine Flu. He was told that he had one of many viruses that are going around right now and would last about 5 days. Now my 19 year old son wants his mommy! Push the liquids! :)

Well, on to something else......This card was made with papers from Crate Papers newest line, Little Sprout. The rubberstamped images from Papertrey Ink, of course, buttons from SEI.
I just love the colors in this paper!

Well, off to whip up something for dinner - I hope that all of you are flu-free! Have a great evening! Cathy :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Showers of Joy!

Happy Sunday! Today, I am going to my friend Katelyn's baby shower. This is the card that I made for her. I just love my new rubberstamps from Papertrey Ink. I decided to go with a white on white paper and so happy that I did because my little umbrella's just pop! Of course, I just had to add a little dimension so I added my little paper punch flowers and rhinestones on each of the umbrellas.

These little umbrella's are going to get quite the work out! I have another friend who is expecting and will be attending a shower for her as well.

Well, off to finish wrapping her gifts, jump into the shower and get there by 1:00. Sometimes, I leave too much to the last minute, but what can I say.........I was scrapping! Have a great day! Cathy :)

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