Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm a Grandma!

It's a official.....I'm a Grandma. Trevor Patrick was born January 18, 2010 at 11:35 a.m. He weighed 7lbs. 15.5 oz. and was 20 inches long. He has the most beautiful head of dark hair I have ever seen along with Kelsey's nose and Corey's lips. He is healthy and seems content at the moment. Mommy and Daddy are doing well. Thank God, it was an easy delivery for Kelsey. I am so proud of my Son, he was there during the whole delivery and told me afterwards, he never knew what women had to do to bring children into this world. He said he saw and did more than any man he ever knew and was so proud of Kelsey. I am proud of them both - I know they will make wonderful parents. I know it won't be easy for either of them - but hey - who is it easy for?

I am just going to sit back and enjoy every moment of this little "nugget". I am going to do what every Grandma does and that is spoil him, love him and kiss him from head to toe! I am just so thrilled to have him and thank God that he is healthy - all 10 finger and 10 toes! :) It is such a rush of emotions that only a Grandmother can relate brings back so many memories of when your children were born and when you look at that tiny little face, it's hard to image that that much time has gone on and now your "baby" is having a baby. Time goes by sooo quickly enjoy every moment with your babies as I will enjoy every moment with my big "babies" and now this sweet precious little one. Have a great weekend - "Grandma Cathy" xx :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

~To my Valentine~

Today is my future Grandson's due date and here I sit waiting. Not a twitch, a tremor or a contraction has been felt by Kelsey. My son and she are both so anxious for this little boy to arrive and so am I. I have received phone calls all week from friends and family wondering if anything, and my answer has been "no, nothing". My Father thought today would be the day because it is his birthday. Kelsey and Corey think that maybe it will be Monday because that is her birthday. The doctor said that she will induce Kelsey on Tuesday morning if nothing happens over the weekend. Either way, by this time next week, I will have a little Grandson in my arms. I have thought many a night as I fall asleep, what will this boy look like? Will he have Kelsey's beautiful dark hair and hazel eyes? Corey's little chin and full lips? Will he be a big baby or a small baby?
How will he come into this world........and there is only one answer. He will come into this world surrounded by so much love. Kelsey has a large family as do we and this little boy will always have so many aunt's, uncles, cousins and not to mention Grandparents who love him, guide him and protect him. Oh boy, I'm getting all teary eyed again just thinking about him - I just can't wait to hold him, sing to him and yes even design for him. I have already started working on all kinds of projects just for him. :) Enough, I promise to post pictures of our newest addition next week! :)

This little card was made today - just a little of this and a little of that and voila'. Daisy D paper,
Tattered Angels - angel wings, Crafty Secrets vintage image, Martha Stewart paper doily and ribbon, buttons from Papertrey Ink, misc., flowers from Prima, misc. ricrac and rhinestone adhesives. Enjoy your evening and thanks for looking! :) Cathy xx

Friday, January 8, 2010

Be Mine - 2S4U - Kazan's Sketch #43

Happy New Year everyone! This is my first entry of the new year and I'm excited to be starting off with yet another great sketch from 2S4U - #43 by Kazan. I have put away all the holiday paper and other misc. doo-dads, only to bring out......yep, you guessed it - Valentine paper! I just love reds and all the beautiful pinks not to mention hearts. Just can't get enough of them.

Just a mish-mash of products used here. Papers from Making Memories and Pink Paisley. The sentiment from Pink Paisley, chipboard heart from heidi grace, misc. ribbon and paper doily.

Lot's and lot's of snow here today and very cold. So, it's safe to say that I'm not budging from the scrap table. So, off I go. Have a great weekend! Cathy xx :)

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