Saturday, December 12, 2009

~Just a Little Christmas Note~

The countdown is on......Christmas will be here before you know it. Yesterday, my DH took a vacation day from work and we spent the day together Christmas shopping. The mall was filled with beautiful decorations, music, the train and of couse, Santa! The endless parade of strollers and crying children brought back quite a few memories, but we battled on making what I hoped were our final purchases. My goal was to have all the shopping done, the packages wrapped and under the tree by the end of the weekend. Needless to say, about half way thru the day, (I still had more in me) my DH said "are you ready to go?" I said, "well, I guess so". I knew he had to ref basketball later in the evening, so I thought maybe he wanted to get a rest in. So, we left only to hit bumper-to-bumper traffic. Finally we arrived home and he asked what I was going to do and I told him that I was going to sit down and make some Christmas cards and then I asked "why"? "Oh, I'm just going to go out for a little bit and pick up a couple of things." Now, I thought this a little strange because we were just at the mall. He was only going up town to do some local shopping, but still, I thought this strange. So, after he returned with several purchases in hand, I think I finally figured it out. My "type" of shopping slows him down. He knew exactly what he wanted to get certain people and that was all he was there for. I on the other hand, like to search for the perfect gift and sometimes that takes a long time. Men do shop differently than woman!! ;)

Well, this is one of the cards that I made while the DH was out on his shopping spree. Filled with goodies - this card turned out just like I had hoped. I hope you all have finished your shopping - Christmas is coming! Have a wonderful day - Cathy xx :)

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