Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wishing You and Yours.......

Yesterday, as I was driving thru town, I became inspired by all the holiday decorations. We have these beautiful old style lamp posts thru out our downtown area that have been all dressed up with greenery and lights and it looks so festive. I had these lamp post rubberstamps, but never thought to dress them up for the holiday. So, out came the Martha Stewart pine bough punch, and I put together a mini Christmas wreath. Of course, I had to add some crocheted trim and a beaded flourish. Tied off in a soft aqua satin ribbon and a rubberstamped sentiment from Papertrey Ink and it's good to go. I did post this card in my Etsy shop and it disappeared immediately! I had hoped it would be around for awhile - this is my favorite holiday card thus far.

Today, I hope to have some time in between loads of laundry (how glamorous) to create. I wish, I had more time, but unfortunately someone has to do the dirty work and it seems around here, I've been voted in! :) Enjoy your Sunday - it's rainy and gloomy here again today. Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweetest Holiday Wishes

Thanksgiving dinner was a success. The china and crystal has been put away temporarily and the dining room table is back in business!! I hate putting up all my materials for the holiday, but what can I say......when there is a crowd - we have to be able to sit down at the dining room table.

This little card was created, knowing that the next item on my list is holiday baking. I don't know about you.....but once Thanksgiving is over, it's like someone puts the calendar on fast forward. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done.

This card was created using some patterned papers that I had left, I believe from last year. KI Memories, ricrac, ribbon, button, hemp and a mini cookie cutter. The rubberstamped image and sentiment are from Papertrey Ink. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to create a card or two! Cathy xx :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Just a short post tonight.....I had an itch to make a card tonight. So, after dinner dishes, I sat down and created this. I just love all the detail in this card. It's amazing what I can find when I start looking thru all my bins of rubberstamps. I thought the clock image was perfect to represent midnight and the new year! :)

Have you had a chance to use any of the Tattered Angels products? This chipboard frame and the Glimmer Mist are both Tattered Angels products. I use them all the time and I just love them! I added the glitter to the frame and once dried, I applied the Glimmer Mist. The rubberstamp sentiment is from Papertrey Ink.

Well, enough for to make lunches for tomorrow. I hope you had a wonderful day! Cathy :) XX

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tis the Season

Tis the Season.........everywhere I go, there are signs of the upcoming holiday season. Every year retail starts decorating and preparing for the holiday earlier and earlier. Christmas music has already started on the radio and commercials on the TV - why is everyone in such a rush to begin the holiday season? It used to be that the stores and the radio would begin the day after Thanksgiving - now it's the day after Halloween! People wonder why we are so stressed out! :)

Christmas should be something that is a slow buildup. A day to look forward to, a day to celebrate. I think people as a whole have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Maybe with the economy being what it is - we won't have the money to spoil our children with and focus on what Christmas is truly about. That's not to say that there won't be any gifts under the tree for my kids, but they certainly aren't going to have the Christmas that they have in the past. They understand that because they are older. They also understand that, we are fortunate to have our jobs, a roof over our heads, and food on the table. We are one of the lucky ones. I am also going to look into doing something for someone who is less fortunate. A family of little ones that will be looking forward to Santa coming to their house. It's just sad that our country has come to the screeching halt that it has - and times of feeling secure are long gone. What has happened? and why?

I'm not going to focus on that now - because all we can do is pray. I am going to focus on pumping out more Christmas cards because my Etsy shop is selling out quickly. Here is a fun card that I created - don't you just love the colors? Certainly not colors I would have thought to choose for Christmas. I tried to dress it up with some details and I think I achieved the look that I was going for. Hope you like it! Enjoy your week, Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cold nose ~ warm heart

Cold nose ~ warm heart.........when I saw this rubberstamp, it reminded me of days when my kids were little and I would layer them all up in their winter snowsuits, hats, scarves, mittens and boots. By the time I had them all dressed, they were usually crying and couldn't move. Much like the movie "A Christmas Story". I always laugh when that part comes on! It usually took longer to get them dressed then the time we spent outside! Once outside, we would attempt a snowman and make snowangels. Those days were so much fun - short lived because now, I couldn't get my son or daughter to clean the snow off my car! :)

This card was made using Cosmo Cricket papers, misc. buttons, ribbon, and a fun old rubberstamp that I pulled out of my Christmas box. I love the Cosmo Cricket holiday line - so whimsical and the colors and wonderful! Have a great weekend - Cathy xx :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Warm winter Wishes

Warm winter wishes to you! I can hardly believe that next week is Thanksgiving - a day filled with family, fun and good food. This year will certainly be a year to give thanks - a healthy son, a new baby grandson on the way, a daughter in graduate school, my marriage to the love of my life and all of us healthy and happy. I thank the Lord that we all have our jobs and pray for those who are struggling to make ends meet.

Thanksgiving dinner will be at our house this year. I love making Thanksgiving dinner - the wonderful aroma of the bird cooking, sweet potato's, brocolli/rice/cheddar dish, mashed potato's, dressing and all the other wonderful foods that I will be preparing!! This year I will be making a cranberry orange bread - oooh I cannot wait!

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families - may God bless you and keep you all safe and happy. Cathy xx :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Season's Greetings

What a beautiful day it was here today. The sun finally decided to come out from behind the clouds and SHINE! My darling hubby finished raking up all of the leaves, winterize the pool and put away the deck furniture. I think we are all winterized! :)

In between loads of laundry........I managed to sneek this card in today. I had so much fun creating this card because once again, I was able to use one of my vintage finds from our honeymoon. This vintage image of a sleigh came from an old Sear's catalogue. With 1000's of pages - you can bet you will see many more images!

I hope you all enjoyed your day and that you were able to sneek in a card or two. Popcorn and a movie with my hubby tonight - have a great evening! Cathy xx :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

~Tis the Season~

Today, I spent the day re-organizing all my Halloween goodies and putting them back into storage for next year. Too many buttons, ribbons, paper punches and paper. Good-bye Halloween - hello Thanksgiving and Christmas!

I noticed a trend in Christmas papers this year.........more vintage blue! Perfect for Christmas and for the many winter months we will experience in Chicago.

I also managed to make a quick stop to Michaels today and boy did Martha Stewart put together quite a Christmas line of scrapbooking goodies. Be sure to check it out! :)

Well, off to make another card. I hope you all are getting ready for the holidays as well! Have a great weekend - Cathy xx :)

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